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Free Home Buying Guide

First Time Home Buyers
Lexington Home Buying Guide

I’m really looking forward to helping you find that perfect home!

As I’m sure you’re hoping and expecting, home shopping is exciting and a lot of fun! But it can also be stressful and aggravating at times.

Which is why I’m giving you this…

If you’re like most buyers, you probably want to just get out there and see homes, right!? (And, of course we will!)

But please give this a quick read and refer back to it throughout the process of buying your home.

Guide Includes:

Mortgage Preapproval

Many buyers feel like agents are being pushy when they suggest getting pre-approved. They look at it as the agent being nosy, looking to see how much the buyer can afford, or looking to make sure the buyer can afford a home. There is a very important reason to get this step right.

Don't Hestate

One of the most common mistakes buyers make is letting a great home slip away. Great homes aren’t a dime a dozen. And when you find one you like, the best thing to do is make an offer.

One Thing Not to Do

Buyers often feel like there’s no harm in just giving the listing agent a quick call to ask a few questions. Or, they see a homeowner standing outside and strike up a conversation. This probably sounds harmless enough. However, I’ve seen too many buyers say too much—or say the wrong thing—and it ended up costing them a home or led to them paying more than they might have otherwise.


Many buyers think that to get the best price for their new home they need to play “hardball.” That might be appropriate...sometimes. Again, it depends on a lot of factors. However, that approach can backfire fast and hard. Sure, sometimes it makes sense to play hardball (I play that game well when necessary).

Crafting an Offer

A great offer isn’t just about how much you offer. It’s also about other terms you can offer. Here are some typical terms and conditions sellers may be interested in: Are you flexible on your closing date? How much of a down payment do you have? Are you paying cash? Will you waive contingencies, like for a home inspection?

Final Walk Thru

Before you head to the closing table, we’re going to do what’s called a “walk-through”. This is usually done the morning of the closing or the evening before. We’re going to make sure that the home is in the same condition it was when you agreed to purchase it (minus minor wear and tear, of course). Learn what to look for.

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You may download your guide now. I have also sent you an email with a link to The Ultimate Home Selling Guide for future reference.